
Thursday, April 1, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high, look it quarely in the eye and say, 'I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.'--Ann Landers

It's been a rough few days dealing with the Fibro monster.  I have barely been able to get out of bed due to the stiffness, pain and constant migraines. But, I must go on, I cannot let this disease defeat me! 

My brain is telling me to do more, to clean, to try to regain some normalcy in my life.  But my body is resisting. It has been a month since this recent relapse, and I am still no closer to finding out the exact cause.  Was it the medication increase, then withdrawal, is it just the fibromyalgia flaring up, or is there something else wrong?? All I can do at this point is keep exercising, watch what I eat, rest as much as possible and try to keep a positive outlook on my situation.  

Although I am ill, I am thankful for the ability to move around, for a loving, caring husband and family and supportive friends. Some people have none of these!  I thank God everyday for all that I have been blessed with and giving me the strength carry on! I pray that one day soon, they can figure out what caused this illness and put me on a path to recovery!

1 comment:

  1. Im sorry your having a hard time right now :( I hope things get better soon! Your spirit is strong and your chracter shines through. I will pray for you. God Bless
