
Friday, March 26, 2010

29-Day Giving Challenge

By giving,” Mbali told her, “you are focusing on what you have to offer others, inviting more abundance into your life.”--Cami Walker-29 Day Giving Challenge

I am always working on myself, but I enjoy helping others better their lives as well. Whether it be helping a friend with a resume, find someone an awesome new job, or helping someone feel better about themselves by suggesting a new look; these are the things that I enjoy immensely and want to do more of!

In the spirit of helping myself and helping others, I joined the 29 Gifts Movement.  Thanks to my friend  S's blog for introducing me to this site! It is as simple as lending a hand, donating a clothing, or even just smiling at someone.  

Today I made a promise to myself to do more every day! As I am working through my illness, I cannot forget those that depend on me and need me to be well.  I cooked my husband and myself a healthy, filling meal and spent some much needed quality time with him.  This is day one, we shall see what tomorrow brings!

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

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