
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Crazy Love, Crazy Life

Things I have learned so far in our six months of marriage:

  • Communication is an essential part of any successful relationship.  
  • Though we may communicate differently (i get worked up and he gets quiet) we know that the best way to deal with any situation is to talk about our feelings and work things out.
  • Opposites do attract!
  • Though our personalities and interests are very different, we respect those differences and learn from each other.We would be boring if we liked all of the same things!
  • Living with a boy is hard work! Let me rephrase that, living with ANYONE is hard work!
  • Neither of us are neat freaks,  our situation might have been easier moving into a new place together, instead of one I shared with my late sister. Hopefully once we de-clutter, things will be much better!
  • Letting yourself love and be loved is the greatest feeling in the world! 
  • It took me a long time to let this happen
  • I love going to bed and waking up every morning with my best friend!
  • Even though he snores and goes to bed later than I do, it is wonderful to be held and have someone to come home to! 
A marriage, like anything else, takes hard work, communication, patience and understanding. It is well worth waiting for! It is well worth fighting for!!

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