
Friday, March 26, 2010

What Get's You Through A Bad Time is Not Necessarily A Good Thing!

I have been learning a lot about myself lately and how I cope with my illness, stress, disappointment; or rather the lack thereof in my coping skills. The following vices that I have used in the past to get me through a hard time are not the answer to my problems:
  • Compulsive Shopping/Spending- overspending at a sale, buying unnecessary items, having no where to put your stuff because your cabinets/drawers/closets are too full , having clothes in the closet with tags still on them that were never worn, too late to return.
    • Binging on a good day or bad day is not the answer.  There are other less expensive ways to reward or console yourself on a bad day. There is no reason to have so many unworn clothes!  There is no reason to buy new clothes while I am losing weight because hopefully in a few months, they won't fit anyway. Buy ONLY WHAT IS NECESSARY!!!  Need to take care of the items that I have and get rid of unworn/unused items and focus on getting rid of and de-cluttering and not bring anything more into the house until it is absolutely necessary!
  • Excessive Drinking-Enjoying a drink every once in a while with friends is not a bad thing, but it can get expensive, especially when I can't just have one martini, mojito, or glass of wine. A few drinks may make me feel better for the moment, but are expensive and not the cure for a bad day or the key to having a good time!
    • Drinking is not necessary to have a good time! Often being sober is more entertaining because you can be the one to explain what people don't remember happening. I rarely drink any more, but I am reflecting on past behaviors. Once the house is in order, I hope to spend more time having friends to the house, using the alcohol we already have and saving money rather than costly nights out!
  • Eating Poorly/Overeating-You need to eat to live, not live to eat! I enjoy eating out with friends and family but I know that my food choices are not always healthy. Eating the wrong foods only aggravate my stomach problems. Though it may tast good going down, often it leaves my body soon after and was not worth the money or the few minutes of pleasure!
    • Stuffing my feelings with food is not an answer.  Rewarding yourself with food is not the answer.  Munching on junk all day is not the answer.  Food is needed to nourish your body, but chosing the right foods is necessary for weight loss.  This is the next thing that I am working on in my journey, eating better for weight loss and to feel better!!
So what are some activities that won't get me into trouble:
  • Cleaning and getting rid of clutter
  • Curling up with a good book 
  • Cuddling with my husband
  • Coffee and conversation with my girlfriends
  • Swimming and Water Aerobics
  • Walking
  • Writing
  • Volunteering 
  • Relaxing
  • Stretching
I am a work in progress. I am constantly evolving a person!  The first step is recognizing that there is a problem.  The next step is getting help and figuring out how to make things better! 

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