
Friday, December 31, 2010

2010-The good, The Bad and The Ugly--2011, bring on the good stuff!!

As 2010 draws to a close, looking back, it has been a long and painful year in many respects. The fibro monster reared its ugly head and took over my life for most of the year, affecting my health, my job, my marriage and other relationships.  I also lost one of the most important people in my life on 9/7/10, my grandma Kate.  Though she lived a long life and almost made it until her 94th birthday, her absence resonates.  2010 was also 5 years since my beloved sister Sabrina passed away. I don't feel as if I have been the same since her passing, as if part of me died with her.

Though it may seem if 2010 was a complete wash out, I did manage to have a few happy moments! I was able to lose quite a bit of weight by learning a lot more about fibromyalgia through the help of a nutritionist.  I got to be on stage again and in an indie film.  I made some wonderful new acquaintances, and reconnected with some old friends. We were blessed with the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families who are all relatively healthy.  So many wonderful things were happening for my friends and acquaintances  as well this year and I was able to share the joy of new jobs, new houses, new relationships, and new babies although even vicariously.

My wish for 2011 is to find myself again.  I feel that I have gotten lost somehow over the years and I want to find happiness and inner peace. Whatever that is.

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. Edith Lovejoy Pierce