
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Working Through the Pain

"No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, 

positively do have the power to change."

~Bill Phillips~

Last night was my first water aerobics class. I have been in so much pain lately that I have not been able to do much of anything, let alone exercise! But in an effort to get my strength back, to start moving again, and to help me feel better, I started water aerobics!

There were several flights of steps to get to the lockers and changing area, which aggravated my injured hip and knee, but I made it!  The class is from 5:45-6:30 T, TH.  Another woman and my self were probably the youngest in the class, early thirties, and the rest of the class was early 40's-70's.  If an older woman with a cane could keep up, so could I!

The class was enjoyable!! The instructor played hip hop music, which I like to work out to.  We did a lot of stretching, jogging, weights, etc.  I felt good while I was exercising.  But when I came home, that was another story!! I was so stiff and in so much pain, I was miserable!

No matter how much pain I am in, I have to keep moving!!  I am not going to give up! I am going back to WA tomorrow night, but I am going to go to class early to swim first and get my muscles and joints loosened up. I know that diet and exercise will help me relieve stress and cope with my illness!  This is for my health and I need to be able to walk and move around!  I know that I can do this!!!


  1. I'm so sorry. I used to actually teach water aerobics for the Arthritis Foundation and for a Fibromyalgia class. Your instructor failed to tell you that you should have not done anything but walked and for no more than about 20 minutes your first time. When in the water, things seem easier, therefore we quickly overdo it. It takes time to build up to doing an actual routine. You will always be exhausted afterward, but it should never hurt. Also, you should be in a class for arthritis or Fibro, not any class. The teacher should understand Fibro and have exercises specifically for you. Some places will allow you to come to a class time and do your own exercises on the side. Please try again as water is the ultimate healing therapy. Google for exercises that you can do with Fibro. Good luck!

  2. I tend to push myself and overdo things. In addition to the fibro I have arthritis in my knee and possibly that or bursitis in my hip. I should have asked before I started. But after my second class, I felt much better!!
